Monday, March 30, 2020

What Does It Mean To Me?

What Does It Mean To Me?What does it mean to me, really, when I am under the guidance of What Is Chemistry? What you need to know is that your body chemistry is an integrated part of you. You are not only physical but also emotional and chemical. Your body chemistry controls how you feel about life, and it has a big impact on how well you feel about yourself.What Is Chemistry is the process of discovering and using your natural 'calories' by combining what you already know about the human body with What Is Chemistry strategies for enhanced health and wellbeing. It's the science of making your body work harder for you, instead of letting it 'suck off' more energy than it should be getting.Your sense of self-worth is affected by how you feel about yourself. That's why You Understand What It Means To Me is your guide to improving the way your body perceives you.If you're at all in tune with your own body, you know that how you feel about yourself, your physical selves, your internal and external strengths and weaknesses are the result of your body chemistry. Once you know what it means to you, you can start living a better life.Recognizing that certain behaviors or beliefs can be self-defeating behaviors, You Understand What It Means To Me breaks down the illusion, 'You're one of those people.' It shows you how to change the way you think, in order to change the way you live.Recognizing that the best diet and exercise aren't enough to get you into shape, You Understand What It Means To Me will help you reclaim your own self-confidence and re-ignite your weight loss goals. It gives you a step-by-step plan for making your life better, and a blueprint for facing your own fears and challenges. And finally, It helps you understand what it means to you, and it can help you understand what it means to others.Learn how to use the tools of what you know. Discover how to develop new habits and methods for changing habits. With its combination of information, insights and st rategies, what you learn here will help you go from being 'so-so' to 'perfect.'So, What Is Chemistry? is the comprehensive guide to understanding your body, and living your life to the fullest.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Things Students Can do to Improve Their Grades in English Class

Things Students Can do to Improve Their Grades in English Class Tips From a San Diego English Tutor: 4 Things Students Can do to Improve Their Grades in English Class English is one of the core subjects and will be a significant part of any student’s life throughout their school experience. English class covers valuable skills such as reading comprehension, writing, and research. Many students find themselves in need of a little extra help when it comes to this challenging core subject and may need to improve their overall comprehension of the English language, work on study skills, or improve concentration to raise their grades. Although each learner is an individual, there are some universal tips and tricks students can use to improve their grades in English class our experienced San Diego English tutors are here to help you improve your grades. 1. Reading step-by-step If students try to improve their reading skills too quickly, they may become overwhelmed and start to avoid the subject altogether. Its better for students to work on their reading skills one step at a time so that their brain can process everything theyve learned. Younger students may still be sounding out words while older students might be working on expanded vocabulary or jargon use within a specific field. Students can work on reading a little bit every day with the help of a parent or tutor but should take time to celebrate the completion of each step and receive plenty of praise for their efforts so they can keep their self-confidence high and persevere through difficult assignments (READ: 4 Reasons to Hire a Private Tutor Before the End of the Semester). 2. Try different reading material If a student is primarily assigned long and difficult novels and research texts in their English class, they may become overwhelmed with this particular type of assignment and want to start reading altogether. It may be time to try out a different type of reading material. For example, magazines and news articles help students improve their reading just as much as full-length books, but they can be less frustrating and are written for an audience who doesnt have a ton of time to sort out word usage and language types. Students will have to tackle the novels on the Great Books list eventually but, for now, they may want to learn using reading material that they find interesting and is that their current reading level. 3. Use varied language when writing Many students write a response to a prompt only to find that their paragraphs are a little bit choppy and lack good flow. They may also use the same two or three words over and over again to describe a situation or person. One of the best things students can do to improve their writing is to vary their language usage. For instance, if they use the word “good “five times in a paper they should go back and replace the last four words with a synonym. Words like “great,” “wonderful,” “fantastic,“ and “positive” can be used to make the paragraph more interesting. Additionally, students should count how many words they have in each sentence they write. If most of their sentences contain the same amount of words, they should try to combine a couple of sentences or break up other sentences to vary the lengths of each sentence. After a little practice, students will start to make these improvements without thinking, and it will make their writing easier to read. 4. Assess learning style Some students can listen to the teacher and hold all that information in their mind indefinitely. Other students need to see words written down to understand and remember them. Its a good idea for students to assess their learning style to determine if they are an auditory, visual, or kinesthetic learner. Figuring this out may greatly change how a student studies and completes assignments and can end up improving their grades in their English classes, or any class for that matter. Our private San Diego English tutoring will help you improve your grades. Call us today, and we will match you with one of our experienced San Diego private English tutors. Great news, Orange County! We’ve launched to offer the best online and in-home tutoring in SoCal. Get 50% off your first online or in-home tutoring session with code: SUCCESS. The code is for a limited time only, so book your tutor today! All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

The Essential Guide to Building Your Personal Brand

The Essential Guide to Building Your Personal Brand via Pixabay What Does Personal Branding Mean? Just how companies and business have a specific brand that people recognize when they see a logo or product, people have them too. A personal brand is what you put out for the public to see. It’s a way for strangers to get to know who you are, what you stand for, and what kind of value you can provide. When someone sees your name, they should think of content you’ve created or an industry you enjoy working in. Clean Up Your Social Media Before you even start thinking about building your personal brand, go through all of your old social media posts. Clean up your social media by deleting posts and pictures you wouldn’t want important people to see. All of those pictures with red solo cups and climbing on things that weren’t meant to be climbed should be taken down. Controversial or petty statuses should be deleted. The rule of thumb is that if you wouldn’t want your grandmother to see it, then delete it. It’s More Than Just Likes and Followers A common misconception about building your personal brand is that the number of likes and followers you have measures the success of your brand. While it’s a great feeling to get hundreds of likes and have thousands of people follow you, it doesn’t always mean your personal brand is good. Building your personal brand means creating successfully getting your message out to the world and creating valuable content that shows off your talents and knowledge. Building your personal brand is more than just having a large following. Find Your Niche Now comes the hard question: What do you want to do with your life? It’s a heavy question for someone who is just starting out. However, in order to build your personal brand, you’ll have to figure out what type of industry you’d like to work in. Once you have that figured out, it’s time to pick your niche. It’s essential to pick a niche that is specific enough to become an expert in, but broad enough so there are a lot of people who will need your expertise. An example of this would be someone would like to work in the marketing industry, but their niche is social media marketing. They have an overall knowledge of the industry, but hone in on one aspect and become an expert in it. Once you find your niche, it’s time to start building your personal brand. Graphic by Brittany Loeffler Pick Your Platform In the age of social media, there are a variety of platforms you can use when building your personal brand. However, each platform serves a different purpose and attracts different audiences. It’s important to choose a primary platform that caters to your content, target audience, and your industry. That’s not saying that you shouldn’t have more than one social media platform for your brand. It just means that you should focus solely on one platform while updating other platforms with the same content as your primary platform. Facebook You can use Facebook as your primary platform if you would like to easily interact with your followers. It’s a great platform to post content that is shareable and is interesting to many people even outside your niche. It’s also a useful platform if you are interested in Facebook paid advertisements down the road. LinkedIn For all things professional, LinkedIn is your go-to primary platform. It’s a community of working professionals of all industries that share the same goal of networking and inspiring each other. If your niche is more business-content focused, then this is the way to go. Instagram Maybe your personal brand is more photo-focused. Instagram would be the best way to show off your talents and work. This is great for photographers and anyone in the food or fashion industry. The role of hashtags on this platform offers a great way to get your brand noticed. YouTube If you feel that videos are the best way to capture your personal brand, then your primary channel should be YouTube. You can get creative with your content when filming videos. It also doesn’t limit you to 15-second or 1-minute clips. Medium When the best way to build your brand is through the written word, Medium is the way to go. This platform is helpful for reaching an audience with blogs and articles. Your writing will be categorized and shown to people who are interested in the same topic. Podcasts Though it isn’t a social media platform, it’s a way to build your personal brand and share content with your audience. This is great if you enjoy talking rather than writing and can hold conversations. It also provides an excuse to conduct interviews. Pinterest Depending on your target audience, Pinterest may be the most effective platform. Women make up the majority of the site’s users. It works best if your content includes appealing graphics that leads back to a blog post or article. Quora Show off your knowledge for your niche by answering questions people post on Quora. This will build a repertoire for your brand and people will trust your insights and knowledge the more you engage with people. Build Your Website It’s essential to have a website when building your personal brand. Your website is home to all of your content, contact information, and everything your that is your personal brand. Having your own website is more professional than just having a Facebook page or LinkedIn profile. It doesn’t have to be a fancy website with widgets and savvy graphics, so don’t get too carried away. You can use simple programs such as Wix or SquareSpace to make your site. Make sure to create an email account using your website’s domain and add your website to your email signature. This will also enhance professionalism and draw more traffic. Design Your Personal Brand Building your personal brand means creating something that embodies you and your message. This can be done through the design of your brand. Choose a color scheme that represents your brand and industry to use on your website. Create a logo for yourself. If you aren’t experienced in graphic design, you can find someone on Fiverr to create one for just $5. When you have a logo, people will associate your brand and message with it. Create Content Now it’s time to actually start building your personal brand. Creating content is how you build a brand and show people what you can do. Content can be in the form of many things. It can be blog posts, ebooks, videos, photos, or podcasts. Get creative with your content and topics. You want to draw people to engage with it and share it with their network. By creating content, you are communicating your niche and showing off your talents to potential employers while growing a following and successfully building your personal brand. Provide Value Have you ever clicked on an article because it had an interesting headline but found reading it was a waste of your time? Good content will provide value to its audience, which is exactly what you want yours to do. Your content should share your knowledge and ideas that some people may not know. Teach your followers something new or entertain them. In order to create quality content, your audience must get something out of it. Get Your Personal Brand Out There It’s useless to have a personal brand and nobody to see it. You have to get your personal brand in front of people so they become interested and eventually follow you. This can be done a number of ways. Share your website or primary platform on social media. Ask your friends and family to share your content. Join relevant social groups on Facebook and share your brand with them. The more visibility the better! A personal brand is useless if it doesn’t draw attention. You want people to see it and consider hiring you in the future because of it. Network Network with other people in your niche. It’s as easy as sending someone you admire an email just to say hello. Start and grow relationships with other experts in your niche and grow your connections. These connections can someday land your dream job! The only way to network with these people is by building your personal brand. When you get your name out there and people recognize it, it will be easier to network. When people already enjoy your content and know what you stand for, they will be more interested in meeting with you. Collaborate with Other Brands The best way to get more brand awareness is by collaborating with other people and brands who already have a following. This could be in the form of guest posts on a blog or be interviewed during a podcast. The more you collaborate, the larger the audience your personal brand will reach. Collaborating with other brands is another form of networking. These connections can introduce your brand to their connections and so on. You never know who will see your content! via Pixabay Interact with Your Audience After you have built a foundation for your personal brand, it’s time to keep up with it and engage with your audience. They follow you because they are interested in what you have to say and what you can offer them. Show them that you value their interest in you with interactions. This can be in the form of answering emails they send you, replying to comments, or even hosting a QA. One of the most powerful things social media has to offer is interacting with people. Start a live stream video and invite your followers to watch and ask you questions about yourself or your niche. They’ll appreciate you acknowledging them. Embrace Your Brand The number one thing to remember is to be yourself when building your personal brand. You want your personal brand to be authentic and stay true to who you are as a person. People can spot someone being fake on social media a mile away. Since you are building your personal brand to one day land a job in the future, you don’t want to lie about things. You should be truthful in what you say and genuine in your ideas. You don’t want someone to hire you for something you aren’t. You also don’t want someone expecting more out of you than you can actually accomplish. Land Your Dream Job By building your personal brand, it puts you one step closer to landing your dream job. It shows potential employers that you are an expert in your niche and can add value to their company. Building a personal brand also shows that you are dedicated and creative. Not everyone takes the time to build a personal brand and keep up with it. Building your personal brand says a lot about who you are and it’s more than just what you put online. When you work hard and stay dedicated to your niche and making connections, it will one day reward you with your dream job.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Chemistry Class Comic - How To Get Kids Learning With A Chemical Idea

Chemistry Class Comic - How To Get Kids Learning With A Chemical IdeaIf you're looking for a great way to get some good fun in the classroom, consider getting your student into a chemistry class comic. There are a lot of great advantages to this for your students, including that it provides a great way to pass the time while they learn important lessons in science and math.If you have students who are struggling with any subject, these comics can be a great way to help them. However, if your students are just learning one or two concepts, consider a different type of lesson. Many teachers will use a story book to teach their students basic concepts, and you'll find that a chemistry class comic works just as well. If you teach children's books, you can write your own comic and post it in the classroom or even have the teacher draw a picture for the children to identify with.One advantage of comics is that they are usually included in coloring pages, and many children love coloring. By using coloring sheets and making a few illustrations, you can do more than color pages when you do a chemistry class comic. The materials could also include useful advice on what to do in certain situations, where to place things, how to mix things, and even fun animal pictures. All of this can make a great impact on your students, and you'll have fewer problems getting your kids to focus and learn the right things.Another good thing about comics is that they make learning fun. As you go through your lesson, your students will enjoy having something to do when they get bored. They can collect the materials they need to pass the time, and if they're as excited about the chemistry class comic as you are, then you'll be able to make learning a lot more enjoyable.You can also use a chemistry class comic to help motivate your students, and they'll feel great because they know that they are helping themselves learn. It's easy to see the joy on their faces when they finish a project, and they'll want to do it again the next time.One of the best ways to use a chemistry class comic is to make it fun for the students to read. This will help keep them interested and motivated, and it will help to keep them interested in learning even more as the lesson goes on.The materials needed for a quick lesson can be found at most libraries, and you can usually find some great fun materials for those in your classroom at your local library. If you want to set up an interactive lesson in your classroom, make sure that you take some photos or videos to keep the students interested. Use a chemistry class comic to give your students an idea of what they should do in certain situations.

Finding The Chemistry Tutor That Will Make The Most of Your Classes

Finding The Chemistry Tutor That Will Make The Most of Your ClassesWhen it comes to hiring a chemistry tutor, there are a number of things you need to consider before you make a decision. Before you begin your search, determine what your needs are. Is it for a large group or is it for a small class? Knowing how large a group will benefit from the tutoring service will help you narrow down your search.If you have a large class, it may be helpful to consult with the tutors about hiring an online tutor. This option offers the convenience, but it does mean that the tutor will be separated from the students. Be sure that the tutor has the knowledge and skill to interact with your students. In order to take advantage of this opportunity, be sure to verify that the tutor can meet your grade-point requirements. Your teacher can tell you how to access the teacher's database to find out the specific requirements.If you have a small class, you may have a hard time finding the right tutor. If yo u aren't comfortable with setting up a tutor appointment, you may want to consider a tutor referral program. Some colleges and universities offer this service in which students sign up for tutor appointments after they have been accepted. With the support of the tutor, they receive an easy-to-follow schedule and receive emails regarding their tutor's availability. Your professor may ask if you want to use this service and if you do, you will likely find it very convenient. It also gives you a certain level of comfort, since you know your instructor is aware of your needs.If you don't have time to meet with an online tutor, you may want to consider a phone or video chat session. Some tutors offer this type of appointment. The tutor may be available 24 hours a day. In this situation, you don't have to waste valuable time when you could be learning the material. However, if you are unable to meet the tutor, be sure to inquire about other options. For example, you may need to find anoth er tutor that is located nearby or have a phone call arranged to your current tutor.Whatever option you choose, remember that time is important. A tutor may be able to meet with a large group of students on a regular basis, but you may not have enough time to prepare yourself for the information that you will be learning. You want to make sure that the tutor can meet the needs of your class so that your class doesn't become overly complicated. If you aren't comfortable having another person in the classroom, use a phone, video chat, or online appointment to help you learn the material.If you find that you are choosing a tutor based solely on price, you may want to investigate other factors. It may be possible to find a good tutor for less money. Check with your professors to see if you may be eligible for merit-based scholarships. Sometimes, the amount you are eligible for is based on the area you live in, or the resources available to you.Choosing a tutor can be a difficult decisio n. It is important to discuss your options with your professor. If they aren't willing to help you with the decision, take a closer look at different options.

How to Lose Weight by Dancing

How to Lose Weight by Dancing Can You Lose Weight While Having Fun? ChaptersCan You Really Lose Weight through Dancing?Frequency: An Important FactorWeight Loss by Dance StylePutting Together a Programme for Losing Weight“If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort.” - Dave WeinbaumIf you’ve tried to lose weight you’ve probably tried diets and a variety of different exercises. However, if you’re not a fan of sport or exercises, losing weight isn’t necessarily easy. Not everyone is interested in exercising and it’s usually just mindless effort.  However, there is a way to lose weight while having fun: dancing.Be it waltz, bachata, pasodoble, Zumba, or salsa, regardless of the style of dance, you can express yourself while also working on your body. You don’t need to know how to dance or to attend a dance school. Even if you’re dancing is terrible, it’s the movement that counts.Moving your body in time to music is a way to burn calories without even realising.  As you’ll have understood, whether you’re doing ballroom dan cing, ballet, oriental dance, or Latin dance, you’ll also need to couple this with a good diet. A balanced diet doesn’t need to be really restrictive but it’s still important.In this article, Superprof is looking at giving you the keys to losing weight through dancing, whether you’re dancing on your own, with a partner, or in a group. SeamDance Teacher 4.96 (24) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JamieDance Teacher 5.00 (6) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ErickaDance Teacher 5.00 (1) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamuelDance Teacher 5.00 (4) £100/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlavioDance Teacher 5.00 (7) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HakimDance Teacher 5.00 (5) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HannaDance Teacher 5.00 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ClareDance Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsCan You Really Lose Weight through Dancing?The obvious answ er is yes.  Whether you’re doing the boogie, chacha, Cuban salsa, Argentine tango, or modern jazz, dancing can help you to lose weight while having fun. If you burn more calories than you consume, your body will start burning fat to provide you with energy.Dancing can really help you to lose weight. (Source: Bernard-Verougstraete)Of course, each type of dancing uses muscle groups differently. The style will also affect how many calories you burn. That said, if you put the effort in, you’ll burn an excess of calories. Some styles can help you burn more calories than others:ZumbaSalsaSambaBalletBreakdancingOn average, an hour of dancing will burn between 200 and 600 calories. Both an exercise bike and free weights can burn around 300 calories during an hour.Studies show that dancing burns around four times as many calories than you would at rest and when it comes to weight loss, salsa, jive, and tango are some of the best ways to do it.So are you ready to start doing Puertorican s alsa, Bollywood dancing, tap, or mambo?So yes, dancing can help you lose weight.You won’t lose weight dancing on a night out after tonnes of drinks or while waiting for a kebab on the way home. After all, as we said, if you want to burn body fat, you need to make sure that there are more calories burned than calories consumed so that your body needs to turn to fat burning in order to lose weight. Of course, doing moderate or high-intensity exercise will encourage your body to turn to burn fat.If you’re going to get the most out of your exercise, you’ll need a healthy lifestyle, too. You need to eat well without consuming too much fat, salt, or sugar.The most important thing when you’re exercising is to not ignore your diet or starve yourself. If you don’t eat enough, you won’t have the energy to do any exercise or recover after a session. Eat healthily when you’re hungry. You can find plenty of nice stuff that’s also healthy in most big supermarkets.Frequency: An Imp ortant FactorDancers often have a sculpted physique and they owe this to regular training and working out. However, if you’re not trying to become a professional dancer, you’ll have a bit more freedom. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced, dancing can help you burn calories and lose weight.Dancing can turn a frog into a prince. However, if you give up, you might become that frog again. (Source: Alexas_Fotos)The important thing is how often you dance. Like in dancing itself, you can’t miss a step.  You need to really think about dancing at least three times a week. For example, somebody who weighs around 9 and a half stone could lose around a quarter of a pound a month by dancing three times per week. Somebody who weighs around 11 stone would lose around a pound. In a year, you could lose a stone just by having fun.Furthermore, you could even consider doing two-hour sessions. Somebody who weighs around 9 and a half stone could lose around a pound a month by dancing for tw o hours three times per week. Somebody who weighs around 11 stone would lose around a pound and a half.Our advice is to not overdo it unless you really love dancing!Weight Loss by Dance StyleThe number of calories that you’ll burn during a session will depend on the type of dancing that you’re doing. Latin dance for an hour will help you lose more weight than shuffling your feet for a couple of hours in a club.It doesn't matter what style you practice. The important thing is to enjoy it. (Source: voltamax)To give you a better idea, here’s a list of styles and the average number of calories they burn.Salsa: between 405 and 480Hip hop: between 370 and 610Zumba: between 350 and 650Country: between 290 and 420Pole dancing: between 250 and 350Swing: between 300 and 550Ballet: between 380 and 450Break dancing: between 400 and 650Samba: around 240Tango: around 240Jive: around 370On average, slower dances will burn between 150 and 220 calories per hour whereas quicker dances will burn between 250 and 320 calories. If your goal is to lose weight quickly, then you’ll want to do intense styles like Zumba, Kizomba, or quick step.Generally, no two workouts are the same, but there's an average metabolic rate you'll achieve depending on the intensity of the dancing, which will affect the calorie burn. That said, you need to make sure that you're doing aerobic exercise and burning calories more quickly than you're consuming them.If you have no idea how to do the cha-cha, merengue, ragga or dancehall, boogie-woogie, jazz, or rock, don’t worry! There are plenty of ways to learn more about the subject. You can watch video tutorials online which won’t cost you a penny.If you still aren’t getting the hang of it, you can always get lessons from a dance teacher or private tutor. This can kill two birds with one stone. Whether you’re doing ballet, salsa, tango, rock, or contemporary, there are plenty of ways to learn how to dance and lose weight.Putting Together a Pro gramme for Losing WeightThe two factors that affect how much weight you’ll lose is your diet and your dance sessions. Exercising burns calories, tones muscles, and increasing your metabolism. However, exercise isn’t the only thing to consider when trying to lose weight. Some say that what you do is only 30% of it and what you eat is 70% of it.You don't necessarily need to join a dance school to lose weight. You just need a bit of music and space. (Source: Skitterphoto)It’s also important to put together a programme that you’re going to follow. Don’t plan to dance for two hours three times a week if you don’t feel up to it. Dancing isn’t something you can take lightly, even if it is a slow waltz, a bit of salsa, African dance, or modern dance.Don’t forget to warm up, either. Even if you’re really flexible and athletic, you’ll need to prepare your body for the session. Similarly, at the end of each session, you should do some stretches, especially for your legs. Li ke many other types of exercise, dancing is great because you can do it anywhere:“Every day brings a chance for you to draw in a breath, kick off your shoes, and dance.” - Oprah WinfreySo if you want to burn calories, improve your physique, and have fun, dance whenever you can.  All you have to do now is start dancing and burn off those excess calories. Every calorie counts, after all.Superprof can help by providing private dance tutorials. Don’t forget that many tutors also offer the first hour free!Additionally, a tutor can help you put together a programme for weight loss including foods that will help. If your body weight is higher than you'd like or your body mass index indicates that you may be overweight, it might be worth considering a change in your lifestyle and nutrition. Your tutor can put together a plan for how often you're going to dance, the types of food you should be eating, and the workouts you should be doing when they're not there.Of course, check with a d octor before making any significant changes to your routine. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, you may want to think about your energy expenditure and calories per day.

Learn To Play Rock Style Drums

Learn To Play Rock Style Drums Want To Learn Rock N Roll Drums? ChaptersThe Configuration Of Rock N Roll DrumsThe Importance Of Having A Bass Drum When It Comes To Rock N Roll DrumsChoosing A Drum HeadChoosing Your Rock N Roll DrumsSo you’ve decided that you’d like to learn how to drum â€" congratulations! One of the first things that you might decide on as a new drummer is the kind of music that you’d like to play and what drum kit you’d like to use.Whether you’re into drumming along to jazz, fusion drumming, rock n roll drumming, or drumming without access to a standard drum kit, there really is no wrong answer when it comes to what you play.However, you might have decided that rock n roll drumming is for you, or maybe you’ve found a group of friends who would like to form a group, and have you as their drummer?This article outlines some of the basics of rock n roll drumming, and some of the things to look out for when buying a rock n roll drum kit.If you want to play in a rock n roll band, a rock n roll drum kit can be great to hav e. (Image Source: CC0 1.0, Free-Photos, Pixabay)A 12-inch alto tom;A 13-inch medium tom;A 16-inch floor tom; andA 14-inch snare drum.The alto and medium toms are suspended, while the floor tom stands on the floor.Additionally, it’s not uncommon to find a hi-hat, a ride cymbal, and a crash cymbal when it comes to rock, punk, or blues music.What’s more, every drummer is free to change up the configuration of their drum set. For example, you could add extra cymbals, or make use of a snare drum.The best way to find a configuration that works for you is to try out a few different set-ups, some common and some perhaps less-used, and see which result you like the most!If you want to play rock style drums you need to decide what kind of drums you'd like to have, just as you'd have to choose which type of guitar you'd like to play if you want to take up the guitar. (Image Source: CC0 1.0, herryway, Pixabay)The Importance Of Having A Bass Drum When It Comes To Rock N Roll DrumsThere’s n o question that the bass drum has a huge role to play when it comes to drumming in a rock n roll style. Incredibly, you can find bass drums at enormous sizes, such as the 26-inch bass drum that John Bonham, the drummer in Led Zeppelin, used to play.So if you’re looking at learning how to play rock n roll drums, it’s highly recommended that you make sure that you’re comfortable using and playing on a bass drum and focus your efforts on playing it well. This can even be one of the first things that you start learning to do.The reason why it’s worthwhile getting to know how to play the bass drum is that, in order to create a rock n roll sound, it’s not enough to simply hit the skin on a bass drum.For an improved sound, try to position your foot in the centre of the pedal, and make use of one of the two common ways to hit the bass drum pedal, which are as follows:The flat foot technique: This position isn’t too tiring as it’s the ankle that’s doing the work;The heel up t echnique: For a more rock n roll sound, this technique relies on your upper thigh and knees to drive the pedal, which should give a punchier sound.Another tip to help you keep control when using the above techniques is to try to keep your foot on the pedal when drumming (i.e. don’t take your foot off it!)If you’re looking for other ways to try and recreate a rock n roll sound when drumming, then a good idea is to try and recreate the way in which your favourite rock n roll drummers played. This should also give you some extra motivation and inspiration when it comes to improving your own play style and technique.So whether you’re a fan of Travis Barker, Phil Collins, Dave Grohl, Keith Moon, or another drummer entirely, don’t be afraid to do some research and see whether you would fancy trying to emulate their drumming styles and kits.Choosing A Drum HeadA drummer has a number of different roles to play, particularly when playing within an orchestra or as part of a group. For instance, a drummer can:Provide tempo;Play a catchy beat; andMake you dance!Of course, these are just a few things that a drummer can provide within a group.However, for a drummer to be successful at what they do, it’s also important that they have a drum head that is well-suited when it comes to that drummer’s style and the style of music that they like to play.As a result, the type of drum head that you choose to use is arguably just as important as choosing which rock n roll drum kit you’d like to play on.In essence, a drum includes a batter head, which is what a drummer actually hits, and a resonant head. The resonant head reacts when the batter head is struck and has an influence on the richness of the sound being produced.If you’re looking to play rock n roll style drums, then it may be worthwhile opting for a double-ply batter head. This is because they tend to offer a more powerful sound, a better attack, and can last longer than single-ply heads.When it comes to ch anging the heads, try to aim to change the batter head at least once a year. Essentially, you don’t want to get to a point where the head breaks and then you’re forced to change it â€" you should change it before it breaks.Equally, try not to neglect your resonant head too much, as they can sometimes be forgotten about. If you can aim to change the resonant head every two years, then so much the better.Of course, the more that you play, the more often you’ll likely have to replace the heads on your drums. Often, the snare drum is the most used, and so it may also end up being the drum head that you need to replace most often.When changing the drum head of a tom-tom, you might also consider whether it’s worthwhile changing over all the heads on all your toms, as this may help to maintain a consistent sound. Of course, this decision is ultimately up to you, and whether your budget would allow you to change all the heads at once.Choosing what rock n roll drum set you'd like to buy is an important decision. (Image Source: CC0 1.0, jeanvdmeulen, Pixabay)Choosing Your Rock N Roll DrumsWhen it comes to picking which rock and roll drums you’d like to play, it can feel as though the choice is endless.For instance, there are plenty of factors to take into consideration, such as:Your budget;How much space you have for a drum set;What elements you’d like to see in your rock n roll drum kit;Whether you’d like to buy each element separately; orWhether you’d prefer to buy a ready-made kit.As a result, one of the best things you can do when looking to buy a new drum kit is to do your research. Ask around and see which rock n roll drum kits have gotten good reviews, and which kits specialists would recommend you buy.Also, take into consideration your ability level. If you are a relatively new drummer or a complete beginner, don’t feel pressured to buy an expensive, top of the range drum set when more entry-level drums will suffice. Equally, if you get the cha nce to try out the drums before you buy them, then so much the better.Ultimately, the drum kit you choose should be one that will help you to play and get better at the drums and become a better musician. It also shouldn't put too much pressure on your budget and should be a set that you’re comfortable playing with, whether you're following a beat or playing your own drum solo.